What is Content Management?
With the increase in the use of the Internet in all areas of our lives, the production of content for the Internet has become one of the most important jobs. To put it briefly; Content Management is the process of writing, designing, presenting and publishing, which includes the production and management of written, visual, graphic, design and all kinds of audio-moving information of current websites that exist on the Internet.
Every day, millions of people around the world make various searches on the search engine and click on the “Word-To-Sentence-Content” which is the closest to their search from the results they come across. Many search engines, especially Google, are looking for some criteria in the content in order to offer the best “Information-Content” to users. This is where Search Engine Optimization “SEO” or “Content Writing Criteria” is born.
İçerik Yönetimi, Dijital İçerik Yönetimi, Web İçerik Yönetimi gibi farklı isimlerle de karşımıza çıksa da temelde hepsinin adı ister kurumsal, ister haber, isterse kişisel web siteleri olsun İçerik Üretimi ve İçerik Yönetimidir.
Although we come across with different names such as Content Management, Digital Content Management, Web Content Management, basically all of them are Content Production and Content Management, whether they are corporate, news or personal websites.
As Zikri Fikri Agency, we carry out unique, up-to-date and sustainable content management that will increase the communication between your brand and your target audience, keep the interaction alive, and maintain the loyalty to your brand.
By preparing informative and introductory content enriched with visuals, which will activate your target audience, we bring a professional management approach and enable you to establish a bond with your target audience. We do content management that will attract the attention of your target audience and increase page interaction.
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